News & Updates

Food Waste in South Africa

Join us in our fight against food waste by viewing and sharing this video around you! Meet Imani Dlamini who's trying to understand the stakes of food waste issue in South Africa by interviewing a few actors. Very instructive video!

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JustNow selected in Startupbootcamp Accelerator Programme in Cape Town

We are proud and very excited to announce that we will be participating in this 3 months programme for accelerating our business through mentorship, coaching, business related connections and many other features. This will enable us to grow faster and to get more and more shops for your benefit! Check out this link to know more: startupbootcamp/top-startup-talent-selected-africa-accelerator/ Programme starts on the 4th of September. We will update you regularly with achievements!

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JustNow official partner of the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme

The 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns (10YFP) is a global framework of action to enhance international cooperation to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in both developed and developing countries. Backed by UN Environment Programme, its objectives are to:
  • Accelerate the shift towards SCP, supporting regional and national policies and initiatives.
  • Contributing to resource efficiency and decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation and resource use, while creating decent jobs and economic opportunities and contributing to poverty eradication and shared prosperity.
  • Mainstream SCP into sustainable development policies, programmes and strategies, as appropriate, including into poverty reduction strategies.
  • Support capacity building and facilitate access to financial and technical assistance for developing countries, supporting the implementation of SCP activities at the regional, sub-regional and national levels.
  • Enable all stakeholders to share information and knowledge on SCP tools, initiatives and best practices, raising awareness and enhancing cooperation and development of new partnerships – including public-private partnerships.

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